Palm application

Welcome to the main screen of the application. Using the buttons on the form you can quickly access the most used features of the system and start doing your job.

Place your mouse pointer over a button or field on the form to see a short description of what the button does. Click the button to see an example.
It is possible that your browser handles some HTML tags differently. In that case you will see all descriptions listed below instead of only the description of the feature you point at. Please, use the word(s) in bold to find the corresponding description in the list. Even if this is the case with your browser you will still be able to follow the link and see an example of the respective feature. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Picking-up orders is what a sales representative is supposed to do most of the time. In order to do this effectively he needs certain functionality - finding an outlet, checking its data, entering quantities, etc. This button leads to the respective section of the application.

Market is changing every day. Some outlets disappear, other come to life. Keeping your database up-to-date is very important. Sales representatives have the best knowledge of the market since they work there every day. Here they can edit existing or add new outlets as the market changes.

After a hard day everyone wants to see some results. Here the sales representative can see a summary of the sales for the current day.

Sometimes it is necessary to take a look or make some modifications to an order, that was issued in the past. In order to make this possible, an archive of the orders for a certain period of time is being kept on the palmtop device.

Before using the application some settings should be made. Here you can modify your user settings as well as the synchronization settings. Accessing messages from managers or from the administrators of the system also requires pressing this button.

Pressing this button will close the application. We hope that you have enjoyed your stay at our web site and have found what you were looking for. In any case we'll be glad to hear from you. In case you have any questions, comments, need information or just want to share your experience, feel free to contact us. We will reply...

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